Category Archives for "News"

Photography and Passions blog begins

G'day! Welcome to my personal blog dedicated to sharing various aspects of my portrait photography, creative projects and life adventures.

My Purpose

My purpose in life is to help empower others to live their passion everyday.   

I endeavour to help by inspiring, sharing and celebrating my family, friends, clients and of course my dear blog readers 🙂

Having faced many business & life challenges in my 20 years as an entrepreneur I’ve discovered my highest value I bring to the world is innovation and implementation.  Basically I love problem solving, finding creative solutions and putting them to action.

My Passions

I’m PASSIONATE about..

  • Helping everyday women discover the truth of their beauty and gain confidence via our award winning Glamour Makeover transformations and Sexy Boudoir photo sessions.
  • Celebrating life’s special moments with our Wedding & Special Event photography services.
  • Helping businesses with their visual branding (both photos and video production) and marketing strategy.
  • Sharing my passion for photography with fellow photography enthusiasts by facilitating a variety of Beginners Photography Courses and Workshops at Camera Club Australia. (
  • Coaching and Mentoring photographers to grow their photography business successfully.

My other PASSIONS..

  • I have an adorable baby daughter named Khloe.
  • I have an amazing wife Katherine who helps tirelessly behind the scenes, enabling me to be out in front and help more people.
  • I love dancing! Sh’Bam is my favourite Les Mills class, available at various Goodlife Health Clubs and other locations worldwide.  A great calorie burning workout that's easy enough to follow and complex enough to look really cool!
  • An awesome team at Image Style Studio who help me make things happen.

My Adventure

I’ll be adding to my photography and lifestyle blog as I continue my life adventures.  Perhaps I may have the honour of photographing and featuring you in the near future.

If you require any photography, design or video services please feel free to connect with me.  You can reach me on our studio phone number, personal Facebook page or our Image Style Studio Facebook page.

Whatever your dreams, let’s make it happen!

x o x 


Kelvin and Katherine

Kelvin & Katherine